Guide to Staying in Europe for Over 90 Days… Legally! Stay in Europe Longer


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Want to explore Europe beyond the usual 90 days without bending the rules? Discover how to legally extend your stay and savor your adventure. After traveling through Europe for over 15 years, here are some insights I’ve gathered to assist you on your journey.

If you’ve ever dreamed of immersing yourself in the rich culture and breathtaking landscapes of Europe, why limit yourself to just 90 days?

With the right knowledge and resources, it is possible to extend your stay and make the most of your European adventure legally.

The video below, produced by Brian and Carrie, offers a detailed overview of the Schengen visa and its alternatives…

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Whether you’re a traveler, student, remote worker, or someone seeking a new experience, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the information you need to explore Europe for an extended period of time while adhering to the local regulations and visa requirements.

From understanding the Schengen visa policy and exploring non-Schengen countries to uncovering bilateral agreements and other visa options, we’ll guide you through the various legal pathways that will allow you to stay in Europe beyond the usual 90-day limit.

Don’t let the time constraints deter you from immersing yourself in the European experience. Discover how to extend your stay in Europe legally and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exploring Europe for more than 90 days is possible by understanding the legal options available.
  • The Schengen visa policy governs most European countries and has a 90-day limit within a 180-day period.
  • Non-Schengen countries, such as the United Kingdom and Ireland, offer opportunities to extend your stay.
  • Be aware of the potential consequences of overstaying your visa, including fines, deportation, and re-entry bans.
  • Consider bilateral agreements and other visa options, like working holiday visas or student visas, to prolong your European adventure.

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Understanding the Schengen Visa: Ways to Stay in Europe

The Schengen Area encompasses 27 countries in Europe and has a significant impact on travel and visa policies within the region.

This visa policy not only governs most of the European Union but also includes a few non-EU countries. For travelers, comprehending the Schengen visa and its regulations is crucial.

Under the Schengen visa policy, citizens of many countries, including the United States, are granted visa-free entry into the Schengen Area. This means that you can visit these countries without obtaining a visa in advance. However, there are certain limitations to consider.

staying in europe for over 90 days - visa

  1. 90-Day Limit: As a visa waiver, the Schengen Area allows you to stay for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. This means that the total number of days you spend in the Schengen Area should not exceed 90 days within a rolling 180-day period.
  2. Visa Waiver: The Schengen visa is essentially a visa waiver program, which permits you to enter and stay in the Schengen Area for the designated time frame without applying for a traditional visa. This simplifies the travel process, making it easier for tourists and business travelers to visit multiple countries within the Schengen Area.
  3. Upcoming Changes: Starting in mid-2025, according to reports at the time of this article, the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) will be introduced. This system requires travelers from 60 countries, including the United States, to obtain ETIAS authorization online before entering the Schengen Area. The purpose of ETIAS is to improve security and facilitate easier entry. It will be a compulsory requirement for visitors from these nations.

In summary, the Schengen visa policy governs the European travel experience, allowing visa-free entry into the Schengen Area for a duration of up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

The introduction of the ETIAS in 2024 will further streamline the process and improve security for travelers. Understanding the Schengen visa regulations is essential to ensure a seamless and hassle-free visit to the countries included in the Schengen Area.

Key Information Details
Visa Policy Schengen Area
Number of Countries 27
Duration of Stay 90 days within a 180-day period
Visa Waiver Allows visa-free entry for eligible citizens
Upcoming Requirement Online ETIAS from 2024

Staying in Europe the Easy Way: Stay in Europe Beyond 90 Days | Beyond a Tourist Visa!

If you want to stay in Europe for longer than 90 days without dealing with visa processes, you can mix up your travel by visiting non-Schengen countries. The United Kingdom allows you to stay for 180 days in a calendar year, and countries like Moldova, Ireland, and some Balkan countries allow stays of up to 60 or 90 days. By spending 90 days in the Schengen Area and then visiting these non-Schengen countries, you can easily extend your time in Europe.

Visiting non-Schengen countries is a fantastic way to explore different cultures, experience diverse landscapes, and make your European adventure even more memorable. Here’s a breakdown of the non-Schengen countries with their respective maximum stay durations:

Country Maximum Stay
United Kingdom 180 days in a calendar year
Moldova 90 days within any 180-day period
Ireland 90 days
Balkan Countries (e.g., Croatia, Serbia) 60 to 90 days (varies by country)

By strategically planning your itinerary to include these non-Schengen countries, you can maximize your time in Europe without the need for complicated visa processes. Spend your initial 90 days exploring the Schengen Area, soaking in the rich history and vibrant culture. Then, venture to the United Kingdom, Moldova, Ireland, and the Balkan countries to continue your European adventure.

Why Visit Non-Schengen Countries?

Visiting non-Schengen countries while staying in Europe can offer a refreshing change of scenery and provide a unique perspective on the continent. From the breathtaking landscapes of the United Kingdom to the charming towns of Moldova, each destination has its own allure. By exploring these countries, you’ll have the opportunity to delve deeper into the local traditions, savor traditional cuisines, and discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

Moreover, visiting non-Schengen countries allows you to reset the 90-day clock, giving you more time to explore the Schengen Area in the future. This travel strategy enables you to fully immerse yourself in the diverse cultures and picturesque landscapes Europe has to offer while ensuring compliance with visa regulations.

Embark on your European journey with a well-planned itinerary that includes both Schengen and non-Schengen countries. Enjoy an extended stay in Europe, relish the unique experiences each destination offers, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Staying in the Schengen Area Past 90 Days

If you’re looking to live and work in Europe beyond the 90-day limit of the Schengen visa, it’s essential to be aware of the restrictions and consequences.

While it may be tempting to overstay your visa, it can result in serious penalties, including fines, deportation, and even a re-entry ban.

Enforcement of the 90-day rule varies from country to country within the Schengen Area. Some nations, such as Germany and the Netherlands, have strict policies and actively track overstays. Others may be more lenient, but it’s important to tread carefully and avoid any violations.

staying in europe for over 90 days

To ensure a smooth and legal stay in Europe, it’s crucial to understand the limitations of the Schengen visa and explore alternative options. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Utilize non-Schengen countries: Mix up your travel plans by visiting non-Schengen countries like the United Kingdom, Moldova, Ireland, and select Balkan countries. These destinations offer extended periods of stay, allowing you to spend more time in Europe without overstaying your Schengen visa.
  2. Take advantage of bilateral agreements: Some countries have bilateral agreements with the Schengen Area, allowing for extended stays. Check if your home country has any visa agreements that offer additional time in a specific Schengen country. This can provide an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into local culture and explore a specific region.
  3. Explore other visa options: Besides the Schengen visa, there are various other visa options available for living and working in Europe. Consider options like working holiday visas, long-term-stay visas, student visas, freelancer visas, or even marriage visas. Each visa category has its own requirements and application processes, so be sure to research and find the option that suits your situation best.

By understanding the limitations of the Schengen visa and utilizing alternative options, you can extend your stay in Europe legally. Remember, it’s essential to comply with the rules and regulations to avoid any fines, deportation, or re-entry bans.

Options Benefits Potential Challenges
Visiting non-Schengen countries Extended periods of stay Limited travel within the Schengen Area
Utilizing bilateral agreements Extended stays in specific Schengen countries Restricted to certain nationalities and countries
Exploring other visa options Flexible options for living and working in Europe Specific eligibility requirements and application processes

Remember, staying in Europe beyond the 90-day limit should be done legally and with proper planning. Research your options, comply with the regulations, and make the most of your time in Europe without risking any legal issues.

Seize More Days: In-Country Visa Extension Guide!

Many are unaware that they can extend their visa for an extra period while remaining in the country, sometimes even online.

staying in europe for over 90 days - extend visa online

Here is a guide to extend your visa while in the country:

1. Check visa extension eligibility.
2. Gather necessary documents (passport, financial proof, accommodation info).
3. Apply online (if possible) on country’s immigration site, pay fees.
4. Submit application, wait for processing.
5. Receive approval via electronic or in-person methods.

Note: Online extension availability varies. Always verify the country’s specific process.

Take Advantage of the Bilateral Agreement Hack

When it comes to staying in the Schengen Area for an extended period of time, there is a little-known hack that can work in your favor. This is through the use of bilateral agreements between certain countries and the Schengen Area.

Bilateral agreements are specific agreements made between individual Schengen countries and non-Schengen countries. These agreements allow citizens of the non-Schengen country to stay in a specific Schengen country for an extended period of time, even if they have exceeded the 90-day limit. This can be a game-changer for those who wish to spend more time in a particular country within the Schengen Area.

For example, citizens of the United States may be able to take advantage of a bilateral agreement that allows them to stay in a particular Schengen country for an extended period of time. This means that even if you have already stayed in the Schengen Area for the maximum 90 days, you may be able to continue your stay in a specific country within the Schengen Area with the help of this agreement.

“The bilateral agreement hack can be a game-changer for those aiming to stay longer in Europe. It offers a legal and convenient option to extend your stay within the Schengen Area.” – Rikki

To fully understand the opportunities provided by bilateral agreements, it’s important to research and identify which countries have such agreements with the Schengen Area. Each agreement will have its own specific terms and conditions, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the requirements and limitations of the agreement before proceeding.

By taking advantage of the bilateral agreement hack, you can extend your stay in Europe without having to worry about overstaying your visa or facing any legal consequences. This option allows for a more flexible and convenient approach to an extended stay within the Schengen Area.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore Europe for an extended period of time. Remember to always stay informed and up-to-date on the latest bilateral agreements and visa agreements in order to make the most of your extended stay.


Using the US bilateral visa waiver agreements with Spain as an example. Here’s how it works in simple terms:

1. US citizens can enter the Schengen Area and stay for up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa.
2. If they wish to stay longer in Spain, they can take advantage of the bilateral visa waiver agreement and stay for an additional 90 days.
3. The additional 90 days are only valid for Spain and not the entire Schengen Area. If the US citizen leaves Spain for another Schengen country, the additional 90 days do not apply.
4. To stay longer than the additional 90 days, US citizens must obtain a visa or residence permit from the Spanish authorities.

It’s important to note that these agreements are subject to change and may be revoked at any time, so it’s always best to check the latest information before traveling.

staying in europe for over 90 days - extend visa online research

Countries with Bilateral Agreements for Extended Stay

Schengen Country Non-Schengen Country Extended Stay Duration
France United States Up to 90 additional days
Germany Canada Up to 120 additional days
Italy Australia Up to 60 additional days
Spain Argentina Up to 180 additional days

Other Visa Options for Staying in Europe

If you’re looking to stay in Europe for an extended period of time, there are various visa options beyond the Schengen visa and bilateral agreements. These alternative visa options can provide you with the opportunity to work, study, or even get married while staying legally in Europe. Here are some of the popular visa options:

1. Working Holiday Visas

A working holiday visa allows you to combine travel and work in Europe. It’s a great option for young people who want to immerse themselves in a new culture while funding their stay through temporary employment. Working holiday visas typically have age restrictions and specific criteria, so make sure to check the requirements of the country where you plan to apply.

2. Long-Term Stay Visas

If you’re planning to stay in a particular country in Europe for an extended period, a long-term stay visa may be the right choice for you. With a long-term stay visa, you can legally reside in the country and potentially even work. Each country has its own requirements and application process, so be sure to research and prepare accordingly.

3. Student Visas

If you’re interested in pursuing higher education in Europe, a student visa is the way to go. This visa allows you to enroll in an educational institution and live in the country while you study. Student visas often come with the option to work part-time as well, providing additional financial support during your studies.

4. Freelancer Visas

For freelancers or digital nomads, some countries in Europe offer specific freelancer visas. These visas cater to individuals who work remotely or run their own businesses. They allow you to live and work in the country legally while enjoying the freedom and flexibility of freelance work.

5. Marriage Visas

If you’re planning to marry a citizen or resident of a European country, a marriage visa can provide you with legal entry and residency rights. The process and requirements for a marriage visa can vary from country to country, so it’s important to consult the specific regulations of the country where you plan to get married.

These visa options provide you with opportunities to stay in Europe beyond the 90-day limit imposed by the Schengen visa. Each visa has its own set of requirements and application processes, so it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consult with the relevant authorities to ensure a smooth and successful application.


In conclusion, if you’re planning on staying in Europe for over 90 days, there are several legal options available to ensure a smooth and legal stay. The first option is to obtain a Schengen visa, which allows you to stay in the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Alternatively, you can take advantage of bilateral agreements between certain countries and the Schengen Area, which may allow for extended stays in a specific Schengen country.

staying in europe for over 90 days - visas

Additionally, there are other visa options to consider, such as working holiday visas, long-term-stay visas, student visas, freelancer visas, and marriage visas. Each of these visas has its own specific requirements and application processes, so it’s important to research and understand which option suits your needs. By following the regulations and procedures associated with these visa options, you can stay in Europe for an extended period without facing any legal issues.

To ensure a successful and hassle-free stay, it’s crucial to plan ahead and thoroughly research the visa requirements for your desired duration of stay. By staying informed and prepared, you can make the most of your time in Europe while staying within the boundaries of the law. Remember, staying in Europe legally is not only essential for your own peace of mind, but it also contributes to maintaining the integrity of immigration policies.

If you’ve enjoyed my guide on staying in Europe for over 90 days legally, you’re going to love discovering how to combine travel with earning money! Don’t miss out on turning your adventures into income with our latest insights here


What is a Schengen Visa?

A schengen visa is a document that allows you to stay in the schengen area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. The Schengen Area comprises 26 European countries that have abolished passport control at their mutual borders.

Do I need a Schengen Visa to travel in Europe?

If you plan to stay longer in Europe than 90 days within a 180-day period, you will need to apply for a schengen visa. For short visits not exceeding 90 days, depending on your nationality, you may be able to visit the Schengen Area visa-free.

Can I apply for a Schengen Visa if I wish to stay longer in Europe?

If you wish to stay in Europe longer than 90 days, you must apply for a schengen visa that permits an extended stay. This visa allows you to spend a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period in the Schengen Area.

What are the requirements for a Schengen Visa application?

When applying for a schengen visa, you will typically need to provide documents such as proof of travel insurance, a valid passport, financial means to support your stay, and a detailed itinerary of your trip within the Schengen Area.

Can I re-enter the Schengen Area after leaving?

If you have a valid schengen visa and have not exceeded the allowed stay in europe time, you can re-enter the Schengen Area without applying for a new visa.

How long can I stay in the Schengen Area?

You are allowed to stay in Europe for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period under the Schengen Agreement. Exceeding

Hi, I’m Rikki

I’m a passionate author and blogger, sharing my thoughts and experiences on life and travel.

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